Naam Shabana starring Taapsee Pannu and Manoj Bajpayee has collected Rs 18.76 crore in three days. The film saw a huge growth on Sunday, with a collection of Rs 18.76 crore. Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh shared, “#NaamShabana is DECENT… Sat growth: 24.41%… Sun growth: 14.13%… Fri 5.12 cr, Sat 6.37 cr, Sun 7.27 cr. Total: ₹ 18.76 cr. India biz.” Produced by Neeraj Pandey, Naam Shabana has collected Rs 18.76 crore in two days.
Meanwhile, actor Akshay Kumar, who is trained in martial arts, says girls should not panic if touched inappropriately. They should instead hit back. Akshay, along with his Naam Shabana co-actors Manoj Bajpayee and Taapsee Pannu had visited Delhi’s Gargi College last week. Akshay spoke extensively about the importance of women to know self-defence techniques. “In our country, I believe, girls should not learn martial arts or self-defence because I feel they should be free to walk anywhere, anytime, anyplace. But unfortunately, because of some dirty people they have to learn self-defence,” Akshay told IANS.
Meanwhile, actor Akshay Kumar, who is trained in martial arts, says girls should not panic if touched inappropriately. They should instead hit back. Akshay, along with his Naam Shabana co-actors Manoj Bajpayee and Taapsee Pannu had visited Delhi’s Gargi College last week. Akshay spoke extensively about the importance of women to know self-defence techniques. “In our country, I believe, girls should not learn martial arts or self-defence because I feel they should be free to walk anywhere, anytime, anyplace. But unfortunately, because of some dirty people they have to learn self-defence,” Akshay told IANS.